National Theatre Live on the big screen. Blog  Membership

Leopoldstadt, a tough watch, but a memorable one.

A heavy watch!

Culture Calendar Members found Leopoldstadt, from National Theatre Live to be a heavy watch.

This was a local social get together, and a Theatre performance streamed live on the big screen at the local cinema.

It a play about the Jewish Community in Vienna. A Jewish community in hiding during the war, and in hiding in an attempt to avoid what was to become their fate … Auschwitz.

Leopoldstadt is a very powerful and emotionally charged stage performance. A performance that begins with multiple generations of one family living in harmony, under one roof, but under threat.

When the banging finally arrives at their front door, an unapologetic General issues a notice to say “you will pack one small suitcase and leave your family home tomorrow before noon” A Play brilliantly acted, but a very difficult storyline.

Written by Tom Stoppard, who lost both sets of Grandparents to Nazi Concentration Camps.

Culture Calendar always recommends keeping a watchful eye on your local cinema for National Theatre Live Productions. It has to be the next affordable way to see Theatre on the big screen.

Culture Calendar