In Conversation with Neil Fitzmaurice

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For those that missed the opportunity to join us last night for “In conversation with Neil Fitz” … he was absolutely great!

Very interesting. Quite humble by all accounts in terms of where life started, and how he was so determined he wasn’t going to become yet another casualty of the drugs epidemic which was rife as he grew up in Anfield, Liverpool in the 1970’s.

If there is just one thing (amongst many) you have to give him credit for … he never left his roots, and has such a passion for Liverpool and its people, which is to be admired.

Life hasn’t been a bed of roses for Neil, with one challenge after another in the acting and culture scene, but the conclusion I took from “In conversation with Neil Fitzmaurice”, you’ve got to want this chosen profession bad to succeed.

Well, he did, and he has. All credit to him 👏.

We chatted briefly at the end of the night, and he was kind enough to have this pic taken with me, and said that, if at any point in the future, we wanted him to come and do a talk, or read from one of his many scripts at our Members Monthly Meetings …. he would be only too happy to come along.

I was so grateful of this gesture, because he was so right. Culture in particular has been hard hit, amongst many other business industries, not to mention the indescribably toll on humanity!

Stay tuned …

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