A Conversation with John Sweeney

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This is what some of our Member’s got upto last night. “A Conversation with John Sweeney”

What a colourful and often dangerous life John has faced as he has sought to undercover the truth of the matter, as an Investigative Journalist for the BBC for many years, News Night, Panorama, The Observer, and more!

“You can feel sorry for someone, and at the same time want to see justice served” says John of Ghislaine Maxwell, who is facing 35 years in jail if convicted of sex trafficking. Having written a book on “Hunting Ghislaine” John thoroughly intends to attend the trial.

One of John greatest accomplishments and proudest moments was to fight to free 3 women from jail, accused of murdering their children, which, with Johns investigative research he proved to be Cot Death.

A fascinating character. A fascinating life, and not without risk. Indeed several death threats, with close colleagues murdered for their similar roles in exposing the truth.

John parted company with the BBC after 17 years in 2019, with The Observer quoting “You cant be as neurotic as the BBC and cope with someone like me”

How incredible to turn your life experiences of your job into best selling books, novels, podcasts with more than 3.5 million downloads, and so much more!

If only there had been more time to delve deeper. It was as though John had only just taken the chair, attached his microphone, one or two glasses of red later, and the night was done!

I can only add …. “Never judge a book by its cover” 😉

Edge Hill Uni. November 2021

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